Learn the key steps to tackling difficult problems
Get access to a real facilitator with over 10 years of experience in consulting, teaching and research
Learn techniques for developing creative solutions
Be the leader that you want to be by being the 'go to' problem solver
Lead others, like a team or your people in effective problem solving
Know your why
Learn the secret of the problem solving fly wheel
Direct people into real world change
Facilitator Access: You will have constant access to the facilitator - he will answer your questions and be there.
Customized Course: The course will be built around your specific needs as an early adopter. This is something that folks will not get to experience with the finished course!
Any Other Bonuses: 2 Group Coaching calls included plus early and discounted access to other trainings
Early Access to the growing Leadership Community (Coming Soon)
My name is Dr. Luke Houghton, and I want to help you unleash your leadership potential through creative problem-solving!
Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped many people navigate the world of complex problems. This includes undergraduate students, MBA students, as well as professionals across many different sectors and parts of the world. Now, I want to take that learning from years and years of research and personal experience and give it to you in a short course.
What I’ve learned throughout my time studying this is that it helps people accelerate not only their leadership potential but also realize that they can overcome any obstacle they face. Whether you’re in a business and you’re trying to figure out how to increase your sales or deal with difficult staff members, or whether you’re just leading a team for the first time, I would like to help you understand the basics of what it takes to solve complex and difficult problems. This course will help you get there.
The main barrier I see for people getting into high-level positions is not having a history or a track record that demonstrates that they are capable of leadership. If it’s a business problem and you really need a solution, then it’s obvious: you have to solve the problem. I am amazed at how little our education system teaches people this core skill. Whether you’re just starting out as a leader, running into some obstacles in your business, or perhaps you’re a consultant who has to solve tricky issues on a daily basis, you can do it.
The course will teach you basic skills, including: how to navigate difficult problems, how to work with key stakeholders to improve situations at work, the tools and techniques you need to navigate a complex problem, and most importantly, how to develop solutions that can scale over time. What to know more - check me out here:
Future Leaders, Entreprenuers and anyone who desires to do great things
People who have a passion for delivering results and being a leader
Anyone who wants to be the best at what they do
People who don't want to be the best they can
Anyone who already knows how to be a problem solving legends and get excellent results